I can buy into a pass without a second thought, and I always end up completing the pass (I have a second character now, and I’ve been completing the passes on both characters). The reason is that I’m a seasoned Red Dead Online player with tons and tons of gold in my virtual Wild West bank account. So, I ask myself this question whenever there’s a new pass, and I struggle to answer it every single time.
Mauser Pistol Variant (premium) Is the Quick Draw Club Pass No. Auburn & Ash Unkempt Mane for your horse (free). Cartridge Wrap for your Semi-Auto Shotgun (premium). Cartridge Wrap for Double-Barreled Shotgun (premium). Provisions Parcel – Contains Miracle Tonics, Baked Beans, Gin, Rum, and Brandy. Cartridge Wrap for your Repeating Shotgun (premium). Cartridge Wrap for your Pump-Action Shotgun (premium). Scarlet Leather Wrap for your Longarms (premium). Moonshiners Pose for your posse (premium). Free change of appearance coupon (premium). Russet Polka Dot Wrap for your Longarms (free). So what do you earn this time around? Here’s a complete list. The whole reason we Red Dead Online enthusiasts are doing any of this is because of those shiny rewards. Okay, so let’s be real: You’re here for the rewards. If you’re trying to earn some quick gold, you can check out my complete RDO gold grinding guide. What I mean by that is if you level up to rank 7, then you buy into the premium pass, you’ll start at level 7 and all of the premium rewards up to that point will instantly be unlocked. And any progress you make on the free version of the pass will transfer over to the premium version once you buy in. The premium version of the pass costs 25 Gold Bars, though you don’t need to purchase the premium version to start leveling up and collecting rewards. But if you move to one of the bottom two (premium) rows, the option to buy in will appear. If you have the top (free) row selected, you won’t see the option to buy in. What you want to do is check out the pass, as I outlined in the previous section. I honestly struggle with this every single time there’s a new pass. You’d think they would at least try to make it easy to figure out any part of the menu that gives people options for spending Gold Bars (which you can buy with real-world money), but they really don’t.
As someone who used to help create website menus for a living, I have no idea why Rockstar does the things they do.